Secure Transactions With Altru Shield

Peer-to-Peer Surety Protocol — Safely shop, earn, and more

Altru Token
3 min readSep 25, 2021

DeFi represents a tremendous opportunity to those willing to navigate a domain rich with scams, shady actors, and deceitful practices.

👩‍🎓 DeFi Definitions — Don’t Get Rizah’d

◆ Riz・ah /Rizzuh/
* noun — A scammer (Stay away from that guy, he’s a Rizah.)
* verb — Scam (Send me your BNB, I won’t Rizah you brother.)

◆ Riz・ah’d /Rizzudd/
* verb — swindled (I sent that guy some BNB and he Rizah’d me.)

Trust-less By Nature, DeFi Is Plagued With Shady Characters Looking To Rizah You Out Of Your Hard Earned Money. Altru Shield Is The Ultimate Solution To Instill Trust Into A Trust-Less Environment.

Altru Shield is a smart contract system deployable across an array of services and industries in DeFi and beyond.

Altru Shield provides transactional security and establishes a decentralized protocol safeguarding the activities of blockchain users.

Validators are the backbone of the system and get rewarded for validating transactions that process through the Altru Shield network.

In this system, The Pool is Always over-funded so every transaction is 100% guaranteed safe for all parties involved. Requirements To become a validator are stringent, and will be announced with the live release of the system. Join The Altru Discord 👈 for Live Updates.

Let’s Talk TVL

Altru long term holder truly have the most to gain. Altru Shield will be promoted and utilized throughout the Toast Ecosystem and beyond and will quickly become the go-to for trustworthy trust-less transactions.

Harnessing the power of DeFi, the Altru Shield pool will lock away Altru for long periods of time, ultimately increasing Altru TVL and providing positive price impacts from the added buying power. Rewards from the pool will be used for the BUY/BURN of $ALTRU and $TOAST 🚀

Altru Shield will roll out for a private test group exclusively on the Matrix Decentralized Marketplace. Details and launch dates will be provided in the Altru Discord.

Utility Of The Future

Our world is rapidly changing and the value proposition of digital currency and transactions far outweigh the risks. There’s nothing new under the sun, and Altru Shield is a solution for an age old problem. People have been getting Rizah’d since the beginning of time; Altru Shield is a protocol that bridges the gap between the real world and the new digital metaverse, providing transactional security in an endless array of services and industries.

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